Beat Dehydration: 7 Signs You Need to Drink More Water

Jun 26, 2023

Summer is here, and many of us are taking our workouts outside more frequently. With the hot temperatures, it's more important now than ever to ensure we get enough water to not only stay hydrated but also to keep our energy levels up. Dehydration can be dangerous and damaging to your health and wellbeing. Read on to learn about the signs your body gives you when you need to drink more water during your summer workouts.

Sign 1: Dry Mouth and Throat

One of the most obvious ways to tell you’re not getting enough water during a workout is through a dry mouth and throat. When you dehydrate, your mouth will feel sticky and dry, and you will have a persistent need to drink water.

Sign 2: Mood Swings

Your mood can fluctuate when you lose just 1% of your body's water. You might experience fatigue, crankiness, or downright grumpiness, which in turn could impact how you feel about your workout. When you feel your mood beginning to shift, it is time to drink more water.

Sign 3: Dizziness or Lightheadedness

Lightheadedness and dizziness are two common signs of dehydration. It can be alarming to feel lightheaded, but know that a glass of water could be all you need to feel better and finish up your workout. Listen to your body and recognize the signs you are getting dehydrated before it gets worse and you have to take a break from your fitness routine altogether.

Sign 4: Dark Urine

Dark urine is a sign that your body is dehydrated. The normal color of urine should be pale yellow or straw-coloured when adequately hydrated. Keep a check on the color of your urine. If it becomes darker than normal, it's time to drink up.

Sign 5: Fatigue and Weakness

If you are feeling fatigued and tired while exercising, it may not be due to your fitness level. Dehydration can cause fatigue and weakness, and it is essential to drink water before it leads to heat exhaustion and affects your workout. Keep a water bottle with you, and take a sip whenever you feel fatigued.

Sign 6: Headache

A headache is one of the classic signs of dehydration. The brain is particularly sensitive to dehydration, and if yours feels scrambled, consider that a cue to drink water. Rehydration can also help minimize or dissolve a headache.

Sign 7: Muscle Cramps

Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, which can take the fun out of any workout. Drink water regularly throughout your workout to maintain hydration levels and prevent muscle cramps.

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Drinking water before you feel thirsty is the best way to prevent dehydration and ensure that you get the most out of your workout. Staying hydrated improves your energy level, helps with recovery and increases your overall well being. So, if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, stop your workout and drink some water!

Always remember that staying hydrated during your summer workouts is crucial to maintaining a healthy and sustainable exercise routine. Thinking of moving your daily run or walking indoors? Read Learn How to Get More Out of Your Treadmill Routine to maximize your indoor workouts.