Guide To Getting Your Steps In

Apr 26, 2021

Fitness trackers have skyrocketed in popularity. They are an easy way for people to keep up with their fitness goals and track daily activity, most commonly daily steps. Is all the buzz about "getting your daily steps in" worth the hype? Does it actually help improve your health? If you're someone who tracks steps, then you're in luck! Studies have shown people who track their daily steps are not only more active, but are also less likely to develop health problems that lead to events like heart attacks or broken bones.

How many steps per day should you be aiming for? The post popular number is 10,000 steps every day. There are many studies that link a 10,000-step plan to reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, better psychological well-being, weight loss and improved body composition. The good news is that any movement whether that’s light walking or long distance running puts you on the right track, so the important thing is to start where you feel comfortable. And remember to always talk with your physician before making changes to your routine.

If you haven't started tracking steps or are struggling to reach your goal, then here are 6 ways to help get your steps in.

1. Invest in a fitness tracker

If you haven't already, then you'll definitely want to invest in a fitness tracker. When you're able to easily monitor your stats, you're more likely to be aware of your accomplishments and areas to improve keeping your motivation for fitness high. There are options for every budget and purpose. See our fitness tracker recommendations.

2. Invest in a treadmill

If you're someone who struggles to get their steps in due to a busy schedule or unpredictable climate, then a treadmill will be your best friend! You will no longer need to carve out huge chunks of your day to drive to the gym, workout and drive home. Instead simply turn your treadmill on and get running/walking. A treadmill is also great because no matter what the weather is like outside you can get your steps in! Get started walking on a treadmill today.

3. Go at your own pace

Go at a pace that is right for your skill level. Don't get burned out before even starting. Remember the goal is to get your steps in. You may need to start at a slower pace, then as the days go by you will notice your speed and athleticism increasing. Walking will help you lose weight, so do not get discouraged!

4. Get creative

There are little creative changes you can make that will help you get your steps in. Instead of parking close to the store's entrance, park further away and walk a further distance. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk during your lunch breaks. Play tag with your kids. There are so many fun and creative ways to sneak steps into your everyday life.

5. Get a dog

Dog owners know that nothing will get you up and moving quite like a dog. They make great walking companions. If you're able to take on the commitment then check with your local animal shelter. If you already have a dog then try adding one more block to your route.

6. Set Reminders

Set reminders on your phone or fitness tracker that prompt you to get up and move around for a little bit. It's easy to sit for hours at a time during the work day, so setting these little reminders will get you out of your work headspace for brief moments and get your blood flowing again. This will help you feel alert and more productive as well as help you reach your step goals.